Code, Collaborate, Conquer: Elevating Software Development Performance with Technical, Process, and Mental Synergy
It's been a few weeks since I had the amazing experience of presenting at the Code Europe conference on May 22nd and 23rd, 2023. In my talk, I dove into the intricacies of leading an efficient and effective software development team, combining my 12...
How to backup Google Drive files? [EN]
Google Drive
Recently, we did a job with Google Drive files. It's a great cloud storage, where we can store documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. You can use up to 15GB totally free (just notice that this space is also connected to your Gmail account) after...
Terminal history – a small tip that can save you a lot of time [EN]
Today I have a very short tip about using a terminal. Did you ever have a situation that you've recently used some command but you can't remember how it looked?
Of course, you can use the up arrow △, but it takes time...sometimes too long. I...
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